How branded merchandise can connect to your customers | Curious Vision

How branded merchandise can help customers truly experience your brand

Every business wants their slice of the market. And every business wants to do this in a creative way. 

One such method is experiential marketing, which aims to create an interactive experience for a customer. A common, cost-effective example of this is through the use of branded merchandise and promotional products. 

In this article, we’ll explore the subject of experiential marketing and why your business will benefit from branded merchandise.

Create a connection with customers

It’s one thing seeing an advert, it’s another thing to get interactive use from a branded product, such as a stress ball or an umbrella. When someone gets practical use out of your product, they are building a relationship with your brand – whether they realise it or not. 

Also, items that have usable value are less likely to be thrown away. A flashy business card is all well and good, but think about how many will be tossed straight in the bin at the first opportunity. Nobody is throwing away a reusable water bottle or a wallet, however. 

So make sure your branded products can be experienced by potential customers – firmly planting your name in their minds.

The joy of free things 

We all love a freebie. And you can make this work in your favour. People are always going to say yes to a free item, which means it won’t be difficult to encourage people to accept your giveaways and use them in their daily life. 

You can make the product suit your target market, too. So if your target audience is the office worker, pens, mugs and notebooks are great freebies to give away. Likewise, if your market is young people, then you might want to opt for rucksacks, fidget spinners and sports water bottles.

Reach further 

A TV advert or billboard is a stationary bit of advertising. But a product or piece of clothing goes places. And this means your message travels, enjoying a much bigger reach. 

People will see your branded clothes, travel mugs, tote bags, rucksacks, and more, being used in the broad populace. Every time someone borrows a pen or drinks a cup of coffee, there’s an opportunity for your message to be exposed to even wider circles.

Be recognised 

Brand recognition is everything. And in a crowded market, you have to shout louder to get your name heard. 

Pens, clothes, mugs, rucksacks, fidget toys – whatever your brand promotion ideas, your colours, logo and tagline are widely distributed by the people who use the products. This means greater brand awareness and brand recall. It stands to reason that if someone has used your promotional product on a daily basis, they are more likely to remember your name in the future.

Get seen on social

In a world where everything is photographed and shared, your branded merch is no different. If your promo item is eye-catching or intriguing enough, it can enjoy some social shares too. These will boost reach beyond the people who have received your item.

Quality is remembered

It’s not enough to create these branded products. They need to be memorable, useful and really well-made so that they will reflect your brand in the best light, and – importantly – be used in circulation for the longest possible time. That’s why you need to choose a branded merchandise company that really puts an emphasis on quality. 

High-quality branded products tailored to your business – that’s our mission at Curious Vision. Our team is passionate about being creative and bringing every client’s vision to life, so that you can reach the right people when you need to.

To find out how we can personalise merchandise and products with branding, simply talk with our team

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